what ever you do don't download this, Downloading this will get you banned from the MMP discord server, and prevent you from ever becoming a beta tester.
*ugh* look when i watch these videos made by blue television games who made some custom sprite in here and after when the intro begins mario multiverse has a new update but on itch.io is just trash. . .
Do not download this, first it's an outdated version, second you will be banned from playing the real game (if there will be an open beta), and if you wanna play the real game you can try to be a beta-tester by being on the Mario Multiverse Public Server Discord (That you can find on the Mario Multiverse Sub-Reddit), Trust me, that's where i became beta-tester.
if they let it out of beta testing, then nintendo will copyright strike them until you can't even mention the game. it's not that they hate you, dude :3
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Im alright i dont have discord
what ever you do don't download this, Downloading this will get you banned from the MMP discord server, and prevent you from ever becoming a beta tester.
Help, how do i get unbanned?
Use a VPN
you can't
this is a scam its not the real mario multiver
I think this is an older versio
Yeah i didn't join discord sever at that time so im safe(yes i downloaded)
I got banned for that.
Im now sad
no I'm chrombook so I ant play!
see SEE?! that's him!
this mario Multiverse is old version
Brenda just ban this website 😒😒😒
nah bro stop the cap
listen that's not mario multiverse ITS SUPER FANMADE MARIO BROS
this make me angry listen mario ice cream you gonna find the real mario multiverse in softtendo.com and download a virus and upload on itch.io
required 1: find mario multiverse on softtendo.com
required 2: download mario multiverse
required 3: finished the virus and upload on itch.io
lil bro, stop the rage, Super Fanmade mario bros is Mario Multiverse bruh its just diferent names
*ugh* look when i watch these videos made by blue television games who made some custom sprite in here and after when the intro begins mario multiverse has a new update but on itch.io is just trash. . .
Maybe letter school is kind of look like super Mario brothers 3 Mix
Do not download this, first it's an outdated version, second you will be banned from playing the real game (if there will be an open beta), and if you wanna play the real game you can try to be a beta-tester by being on the Mario Multiverse Public Server Discord (That you can find on the Mario Multiverse Sub-Reddit), Trust me, that's where i became beta-tester.
Chromebook version when?
play store verson plz i can't play on chromebook
are you an idot?
first of all: i said version not verson
and second of all: why don't you download chrome on your pc
what about v7????>????
that's a good question mr.catlover2022
"it's on Android" I try downloading it but all I got was the exe file and the other things
This game was requested!
EXCUSE ME???? what the sigma is your username??!!
don't say it that user: (niggager) needs to be banned on itch.io
you're a fucking racist you can't tell people they're unoriginal if you're comitting a crime
love this game
Still pretty good
is this real
the real game isnt fully out. its in a closed beta.this is fake
i hate my life all peopel want to do is play the game the real game but you fuckers just have to be so rude i hate my life
if they let it out of beta testing, then nintendo will copyright strike them until you can't even mention the game. it's not that they hate you, dude :3
Not Mario multiverse retard
this is not mario multiverse bozo.
I think this is just Windows only because theres executables
this is a not joke?
It says it's for Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android, but the .zip file only has the Windows version.
I cant open the file!
Als ik op Android op openen druk staat er kan bestand niet openen
i know this is a scam so what mario fangame do i play? i don't have anything to play right now
I'm working on one, but it'll be a while before it's done.
Super Mario Bros X, Super Mario Unimaker and Super Mario Maker World engine are all very good mario (maker) Fangames you can enjoy
Dont download this, you will get banned from the official game automatically as soon as you run. (Its also very outdated and might be a virus)
where's the discord? i have been starving to play this game ever since ive seen it for the first time
edit: i am not downloading this
i want the 7.8 verson
why does this say smb3mix? is it just mario multiverse